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Friday, 1 November 2013

'Limit' team match on Monday 28 October

Only three of the eight people who can play in the L team were available for the match on Monday at Wilmslow, so Barrie drove Peter and me through a horrible wet evening to Wilmslow to their new venue. The match result was:

      WILMSLOW L             3      1                MARPLE L

Robin Warhurst (115)         ½  -  ½        Tony Doust (107)
Mike Palmer (113)               1  -  0         Barrie Edwards (77)
Mike Garvin (87)                 ½  -  ½        Peter Kelly (66)
                                        1  -  0         (default)

My game was the first to finish - it was my first draw for nearly 30 games - I played the London System, so perhaps it wasn't a surprise. In fact I'd been struggling for a draw - we reached an endgame of K+B+5P each. Both white-square Bs, and mine was much better than his, but his pawns were much better than mine, one of them passed. But we reached a dead drawn position, then I threw it away with a stupid check - he could have won a pawn and almost certainly the game. But he didn't see it, moved his K and offered me a draw. I accepted, then we both saw what he could have done. That's probably my ration of luck used up for the rest of the year.

Barrie had an excellent position against Mike Palmer, but Mike fought back and created enough threats to win. Peter also had a good game against Mike Garvin, but couldn't press home his advantage - they were both getting short of time. And that was that.

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