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Thursday, 20 March 2014

Marple D vs Macclesfield B 17th March 2014

Match card

1    Tony Kay                0-1        Tony Soames
2    Andy Jenkins          1-0        Chris Sizeland
3    Chris Baker         0.5-0.5      Denzil Lobo
4    Terry Cowling    0.5-0.5      Marc Jouannet
5    Jeff Barlow            0-1        Tony Brough

Total                            2-3

Macclesfield turned up with a very strong team and in the end we lost narrowly.  In my game, the black side of the French I faced 2. Nf3 for the first time and got into trouble in the opening.  I did recover material eventually but by then I was very short of time and fell to a sucker punch in the meddle game.  Consequently I also saw little of the other games.  On board 1 I saw the final position which was fantastically complex and Tony K resigned finding no satisfactory defence.  I saw some of the endgame on board 2, where Andy skilfully converted his advantage in a nicely played endgame. Chris got a draw on board 3 with very little time remaining on his clock; Chris has published this game in an email. Terry also got a draw, but I didn't see this one.  Well done all.
Marple D now lead Division 3 with the same points as Macclesfield B, but they have a game in hand!

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