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Tuesday, 11 March 2014


Although we lost, there were some good performances from the E team in last night's home match against Stockport:

    MARPLE E       2     3       STOCKPORT C

1.  Trefor Thomas   0    1       Marc Jackson
2.  Jeff Barlow       0.5  0.5     Peter King
3.  Tony Doust       0.5  0.5     John Kelly
4.  Neil Dainty        1      0      Ian Anderson
5.  Pater Kelly         0      1      Anthony Prime

We were outgraded by at least 20 points on every board, so well done to the scorers.  I saw little of the other games;  on my right Tony's game always looked equal, Peter failed to castle and his King was exposed.  He lost a couple of pieces before conceding.

I was pleased with my game.  Ian allowed me to build a commanding centre in the opening.  I let him back into the game briefly my failing to push a centre pawn but my doubled rooks on the C file led to me being a piece and two pawns up.  He tried some irritating checks which I saw off.   I forced off the major pieces and he only resigned when he realised my passed pawn couldn't be stopped.

My first win against Stockport.

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