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Friday, 29 January 2016

3 C's at the Navi

We welcomed 3C's for this re-arrange fixture knowing their fourth team would include some strong players.  Unfortunately they arrived with only six players, but had young Robert McLean (age 14) on top board.  He hadn't done well against us this season losing to Terry in October and (surprisingly quickly) to Paul in November.   Nevertheless his grade has just gone up to 163!  Robert created early pressure against Alan's queenside castling with Queen and Rook lined up against the d6 pawn.  Alan defended resolutely but at the expense of the clock.  When they went into a rook and few pawns end-game the flag fell with Robert left with 55 minutes.

On second board it was Becky who had time trouble.  Chris had the initiative for most of the game and she had a scramble to play about five quick moves to meet the time control, but did so without weakening her position.  They got down to five minutes each then Chris moved  his queen too quickly (too Dainty-like you might say) allowing a knight fork with check.  "Crikey" was heard as Chris resigned.

Next door Kevin Ye (age 11) was constantly pressing Terry (age unknown) who wasn't really troubled despite some clever tactics.  Terry had played his favoured defence, but a wrong move order led to pressure on f7. Eventually Kevin broke through kingside and won the exchange.  However after playing a wrong rook move he allowed Terry a forced mate with Queen, Knight and Pawn rather than lose his Queen.

David's game against Ahmed Abbas had looked drawn for a long time.  Ahmed had only declined a early draw offer as his team were losing two-nil at the time.  Eventually they went into an endgame with Ahmed having Queen and six pawns against Queen and five.  When the Queens came off I couldn't see how the four kingside pawns could break-through David's three but they did. And that was that.

Martin had drawn with John Walton early on, not being able to find a win with Knight and seven pawns against Bishop and six.  And Tony had won even earlier when Tony Ashton had gained a pawn early on -  but then went on to lose "Queens and things!"  "Not easy to play Chess in January if your an accountant working twenty hours a day on Tax Returns" he told us later.

So the match was drawn, but only because of a defaulted game.

                                             MARPLE        3.5 - 3.5      3C's 4

                                          1.  Alan Hall          0 - 1      Robert McLean
                                          2.  Chris Baker       0 - 1      Becky Kerton
                                          3.  Terry Cowling  1 - 0       Kevin Ye
                                          4.  David Preen      0 - 1      Ahmed Abbas
                                          5.  Martin Cutts   0.5 - 0.5  John Walton
                                          6.  Tony Doust       1 - 0     Tony Ashton
                                          7.  Neil Dainty        1 - 0      No One

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