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Friday, 28 November 2014

TOP IS THE LIMIT as Martin makes the cut!

Our Limit League team went back to the top of the table with an excellent win against a strong Denton team at the Navi last night.  Martin Cutts played his first game for the club and faced Tom Ireland. You don't expect to face a player graded 103 on Board 3 of the Limit League, as the rules stipulate the 4 boards must total 400 or less.  However Martin won easily going two pieces up early on - well done!

I was white on 2 and faced a Pirc Defence for the first time.  I fell for a simple trap in the opening,  an insignificant  one but I would have liked to see it coming!  Eric had his king castled behind his fianchettoed bishop, but I managed to create some pressure as my pieces where all pointing kingside.  I created a few threats which opened up a hole or two and nearly blew it thinking my rook could not have been taken, when it should have been.  Once I escaped that I finished the game nicely.

I didn't see much of the other games, but Tony was two pawns up and won comfortably I think.  Joseph lost an endgame when he couldn't stop a passed pawn although I'm reliably informed he played very well.

We play Denton for the third game next Wednesday; I heard them say they will field the same team.  We will continue with our squad rotation policy!

                         MARPLE 3 - 1 DENTON

1.  120               Tony Kay 1 - 0 Phil Boyd         117
2.    99           Neil Dainty  1 - 0  Erik Lesnik      114
3.  e80         Martin Cutts  1 - 0  Tom Ireland     107
4.    44  Joseph Anderson  0 - 1  Lee Maycock   e30

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