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Thursday, 23 October 2014

Marple edge out Denton in Charnley Cup duel

Played at Denton Chess Club last evening -

Marple                V          Denton          Charnley Cup  0.25 Final  22/10/2014

1 A Longson       0-1       S Thestrup
2 A Walton         1-0       J Lysons
3 S Hegarty       0.5/0.5  T Hilton
4 P Kirby            0.5/0.5 G Kolbusz
5 G Trueman      1-0       D Holt
6 C Baker           1-0       D  Boulden


Unavailability of a number of our higher graded players  had made me somewhat concerned about our prospects but on arrival I discovered that Denton were in a similar position and a match between two well balanced sides ensued. (I've since learned that Denton were outgraded on nearly all the boards - sorry GT)

Alan was first to finish , (This is wrong as well, the Board 4 game finished first GT)winning well with the Black pieces. If his opponent had hoped for a quiet life with the Exchange variation against the French then he must have been dissapointed as Alan found a way to create an intriguing position where White had played g4 in front of a very draughty King. I suspect he was forced into a lost endgame in order to prevent Alans attack being overwhelming but it was soon clear his position was hopeless. 1-0.

Board 4 was an interesting match up between Paul and ex-Marpolian legend George Kolbusz who is back in the UK for a few months and living near to Denton Chess Club. George played a QP system with e3 and b3. Although these lines often look quiet Black has to play very carefully in the face of a White Kingside attack, usually based around Ne5.  This Paul did and a drawn Rook ending ensued. 1.5 - 1.5.

Once again Chris played what looked to be a superb game. White played an Anti-Sicilan  line based on Be2 and Chris responded with a very early and interesting Nd4. The game developed into White attacking on the Kingside but Black having very good play in the centre. Once Whites attack failed to break through Chris calmly mopped up and soon White had no alternative but to resign. As usual with Chris' games I'd really like to see the moves. 2.5 - 1.5

My opponent played a very interesting "Hippopotamus" set-up with g6,Bg7,b6,Bb7,c6, and Nd7. I think systems of this type are underrated but they are not easy to play. After Black played ...e5 I was able to arrange de: in circumstances that were advantageous.Rather than sit behind a weak pawn on d6 Dave chose to sacrifice it with d5 hoping for piece activity. It was a reasonable practical try but I was able to reach a double Knight endgame with a sound extra pawn and better central stables for my horses. Subsequently I was able to grind out a win although the game lasted to move 62. We were over the line. 3.5 -1.5.

Alex was embroiled in a heavyweight battle with the highly talented Danish player Sixten Thestrup. Sixten had played the Petroff but Alex seemed to have secured good chances on the Kingside. I didn't see what then happened as Alan was buying me lager in the bar downstairs but when we returned  Alex had resigned and sad to say a long sequence of wins in Stockport League competitions ( the longest ever perhaps?) had come to an end. 3.5 - 2.5

Sarah's game was the last to finish. I had thought she had some advantage against Tims b6 system but it all came down to a frantic time scramble. When I saw Sarah had about 40 seconds left to Tims 2 minutes and what looked a dubious position I feared the worst but Sarah played some very good moves very quickly and suddenly Tim seemed to have no option but to repeat the  position, which he did. 4 -2.

So a good away win, many thanks to all who played. I've just learned our semi-final opponents are Stockport....


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