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Friday, 14 February 2014

East Cheshire C vs Marple D 12/02/14

1.         D.Taylor            0.5 - 0.5            A. Kay

2.         W.Tait               1 - 0                 J.A.Jenkins

3          M.Heywood      0.5 - 0.5            C.Baker

4.         K.Hodgson       0 - 1                 T.Cowling

5.         R.Beswick         0.5 - 0.5            T.Thomas

 Total                             2.5 - 2.5

 Thank you to Terry for standing in as captain and Chris for providing transport on such a stormy night. Some of you have provided summaries of their games, as follows.

On board 1, Tony had white against David Taylor. "I opened with my favourite Bird's and David responded with an aggressive line bringing his major pieces to pressurise the c file. David had castled short so I countered with a kingside threat by my Queen and centrally placed knight. I sacrificed a rook to establish what I thought was a winning combination but my opponent managed to engineer a draw by repetition. Early finish!"
Andy on board 2, "I played Bill Tait again with the Black pieces. As usual, it was a close game but Bill got some activity and a dangerous passed pawn on the b file. I was about to win the pawn when Bill attacked my unimportant g7 pawn with his bishop; so I just snapped Bill's passed b pawn off with my bishop. Bill took my rook off!! Because I was fixated on the passed pawn, I failed to notice that Bill's bishop move attacked my g7 pawn and my rook. It was game over."

Chris on board 3, "I had white in a very closed positional English - the first pawns were exchanged on move 18. After a series of exchanges I was a pawn down but the bishop pair and much more active pieces meant I could get the pawn back to reach an ending with two bishops versus bishop and knight with 5 pawns each. Although my position was undoubtedly better, I accepted a draw offer as it seemed unlikely we could reach a satisfactory conclusion with well under 10 minutes each left."

A win by Terry and a draw from Trefor, meant the match was drawn.  Thanks to all for your efforts.


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