Just as last week the room was full, a very welcome sight. Ten in the match, six playing on other boards and your reporter. The team selection was very different to last week simply to give everyone game time.
On top board Chris and Jim both employed a kingside fianchetto and the position quickly became locked with all the pieces still on the board for some time. Jim retreated a knight to f1 and I wondered where it was heading; half an hour later it was still there. This of course was exactly what Chris wanted as he had the black pieces.
On board two though Tony Kay quickly went a pawn down allowing Steve Tatlock to play Qh4+ followed by Qxe4+. Tony's king was stuck at home with a horrible gap in front and the g1-a7 diagonal wide open. It looked even worse to me when Tony played f4 and I could not see what stopped Steve putting his bishop and or queen on that diagonal, but it did not happen. Eventually Tony castled kingside and gradually got back to a much more solid position.
Things looked better on three with Tony Doust a piece up but next time I looked Steve McCall had a very strong attack; white pawn on e3 with black Be2 and black Qe1; white rook on d2 with black . Rd1. Steve's pawn and rook were supported by the other rook and his queen. Eventually Tony lost queen for rook and bishop but he was also two pawns down which eventually proved decisive.
Next door Paul was doing much better. A passed pawn on e5, with rook support behind, was about to cause Steve Kelly (note to East Cheshire; too many Steves!) distress which duly arrived with Nd6+, forking king and an unprotected bishop on b7. Rather than take the bishop though Paul tried to increase the pressure by pushing a pawn to attack a knight; unfortunately this allowed Steve to exchange his mortal bishop for a knight on f3.
Meanwhile Joseph, whose chess has improved noticeably in the last year or so, was playing his usual solid game on board 5. Things were not looking good on two though. Steve now had passed pawns advanced on c and d files even though his f1 bishop was still in bed after ten o'clock (and, I think, keeping the h1 rook with it). The black king's exposure was looking dire and when said bishop was eventually awakened Tony resigned immediately. 0-2. A spectacular way to win though.
Meanwhile Paul's strong attacking play was proving too strong and he won comfortably. 1-2.
Joseph's game was still tight but Dave eventually got on top and Joseph had to resign. 1-3. At this point Chris and Jim agreed their position had been drawn for some time and let us all say our goodbyes until we meet again next Wednesday.
So we lost, but the lasting memory was that the room was alive and buzzing for the second week running.
Marple B |
1.5-3.5 |
East Cheshire B |
1 |
Chris Baker |
0.5-0.5 |
Jim McKie |
2 |
Tony Kay |
0-1 |
Steve Tatlock |
3 |
Tony Doust |
0-1 |
Steve McCall |
4 |
Paul Horrocks |
1-0 |
Steve Kelly |
5 |
Joseph Anderson |
0-1 |
Dave Harris |